Saturday, May 14, 2011


As much as I’m looking forward to my trip to New York in August, I can´t wait to go home first. I want to spend time with my family but I also want to go to Mexico City as a non-touristy-tourist. I was born there and lived my first 11 years in the most populated city in the world. Then my parents and I moved to Queretaro, but I will always love D.F. (another way to called Mexico City, it’s something like D.C.).

Mexico City from a plane thanks to Austin Filbin

These are the reasons I can’t wait to go back to my birthplace:

  1. Go on a girl's night with my best friends Ximena and Monica (in the picture), and my cousin Judy.

  2. The new Soumaya Museum. Owned by the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim, it is supposed to be a first world facility with the world's largest collection of Rodin sculptures.
  3. Hanging out at the bar in the Condesa DF hotel, probably my favorite bar in the world because of it's eclectic clientele and lovely roof top bar. I am still longing for the day I can actually stay in one of their gorgeous rooms.
  4. Finally visiting MUAC, (Contemporary Art Universitary Museum).

    MUAC Museum.

  5. Walk around la Condesa (Mexico's City coolest neighborhood) looking for a place to live when I move back.
I know many people think Mexico is a super dangerous country, and it can be, but Mexico City is also one of the coolest cities in the world. If you know where to go.

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