Monday, May 30, 2011


I finally stopped watching The Hills. I couldn't do it anymore after Lauren left. I don't know what MTV was thinking bringing Kristin Cavallari to replace her. What I can't stop thinking about is the concept of "best friends" that this show tries to push. I've been thinking about this for a long time now. Ever since I move to the U.S. and started watching (even more) American TV. And to still be reading Pretty Little Liars is not helping either. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends... I just hate the concept.

Pretty Little Liars is a series of books about a BFF
so awful to her friends, she ends up dead.

In American pop culture everything is about being BFFs with someone so you talk to them about boys and clothes (nothing else). But for a long time now, whenever I try to think about who is my BFF, I can't. I believe in the concept of having (possibly many) good friends. And there are friends for different parts of one's life. Friends to party, friends for crying, friends for when you need to be told you're a b*tch.

In this group of friends I have one for (almost) every need.

My dad still can't understand why Facebook or Twitter are so important for keeping friends. But I like to keep contact with friends that I don't see often. Like my friend Luis. I met him when we spent a semester at a boarding school in the French Alps. He now lives in a beach in Mexico while I go to school in Savannah. We probably have seen each other less than 10 times since leaving France in December 2003, but I still consider him one of my good friends. He's my music-friend. And thanks to social media we're going to Austin City Limits in September. Just as if we saw each other every day. No need of calling each other BFFs. And with no drama worthy of a reality show.

Luis and me in London.

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