Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I want to be her! (Seriously)

Sometimes you find a book that reads like your own story. Most times such book is a novel about a boy who is a wizard and has a dorky friend and you think you are that boy's friend with a weird name and bushy hair. OK, not really. But, this time it's something much more real for me.

Last year I got the memoir/style book I want to be her! by Andrea Linett, and seriously it's like I wrote it. Not only because the author's name is my name too, but because her life is super similar to mine. OK, it's more like I want my life to be like hers... But who cares?

Andrea Linett has worked in magazines her whole life, from being the receptionist at Sassy (where she discovered Chloe Sevigny) to founding Lucky. One of my favorite magazines, by the way. But the most amazing thing is that she did it being the weird girl. I love the illustration above with the (vintage) shoes she wore for her first day at BAZAAR compared to the ones the other girls used. Yes, she wore vintage in a sea of Manolo-wearing-Carrie-wannabes.

The other thing I really enjoyed while reading the book, were the super pretty illustrations by Linett's BFF, Anne Johnston Albert. These, along with the bullet points and quotes make for a really light reading. Like I said, I read the whole thing in 5 hours. And if you don't fell like reading, you can visit her website. But the book is better, I swear.

She is now at Michael Kors and has an awesome life (see for yourself), and she's a book author sooo.... I feel really identified with her and I'm definitely planning on following her advice, both fashion and career-wise... Because, of course, I want to be (like) her.

¿No les pasa que leen un libro y sienten que podría ser su vida? Recientemente terminé de leer (en un solo día) el libro I want to be her! de Andrea Linett y justo me pasó eso. Obviamente me emocioné porque tenemos el mismo nombre, pero la historia que cuenta es increíblemente similar a la mía. Yo aún estoy en un punto muy inicial, pero me encantaría seguir sus pasos.
Ella es fundadora de Lucky, una de mis revistas favoritas, y trabajó en Harper's Bazaar. Pero lo mejor es que lo hizo muy a su manera, usando vintage cuando aún no era cool y sin intentar ser como todas las demás chicas de las revistas.
El libro es hermoso, está lleno de ilustraciones de la mejor amiga de la autora y es una lectura súper ligera. Lo recomiendo muchísimo para cualquiera, no solamente para fans de la moda.
Yo, definitivamente, quiero ser como ella. No solamente en cuanto a moda sino también en su carrera.