Monday, April 4, 2011

Kill Bill (And Janet, Lorena, Judith, etc...)

Today I woke up and realized I had the worst nightmare I had in a long time. I had a dream when I was in some kind of high school graduation and got in a fight with one of the most hideous women I've ever met. This lady, Anacristi (who some people called Anticristi), was a teacher at my elementary school. She was also one of my classmates' mom. She was the one that orchestrated that time when all my "friends" stopped talking to me because I had a boyfriend when we were twelve. Later, her daughter dated a teacher, but that's beyond the point.

Reflecting on that dream, I remembered the Kill Bill list I kept in college.

My best attempt at looking like "The Bride"

The list was way more extensive, but I can't remember who else was in it. If I remember later it will be Kill Bill Vol. 2, but for now it goes like this:

  1. Dunet, my ballet teacher. Although I was already 21 and I had no interest of pursuing a ballet career, she kept telling me things that I needed to fix. Like "with your big body you need to..." (this is my best attempt to translate her Cuban Spanish), or "since you're already older..."
  2. Janet, the girl who stole my boyfriend (I would later steal back said boyfriend). She was definitely on my list, but after seeing a poster for female lucha libre that included a "Miss Janet" that sort of looked like her, I was scared she could kill me because I'm no Uma Thurman.
  3. Lorena Linaldi. My all-time nemesis. (Even her name is stupid and annoying). She was the girl that pretended to be my best friend in high school and talked to my other friends behind my back. She even slept at my house while talking shit about me. Then she decided to do the same undergrad I did. And we had to do group work together. She is also the only person I had a screaming-fight with. Sometimes I wonder if she maybe following me to Savannah too.
  4. Judith. The chair of my undergraduate department. She was more like a camp counselor who was always smiling and cheering. She made me want to drop the stupid program. Our final exam in the first class I had with her was to plan a (real) party. Do I need to say more?
I don't know why I can't remember the other 176 people on my list... But I'm sure I will, or add new ones.

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